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八木下侑子 神奈川県横浜市生まれ。


第19回彩の国・埼玉ピアノコンクールF部門第1位金賞及び審査委員長賞受賞はじめ、フレッシュ横浜音楽コンクール一般の部において第2位(1位なし)、ウィーン音楽コンクール イン ジャパン第3位、神奈川音楽コンクール、PTNAピアノコンペティション、全日本学生音楽コンクール、など多数入賞。












2013より渡英、トリニティラバンコンセルヴァトワールにて、デニス・ギレンベ、ガブリエレ・バルドッチ各氏に師事、在学中にパスカル・ロジェ、マルティノ・ティりーモ、バーバラ・ニスマン各氏のレッスンを受講。優秀な成績でディプロマを取得。2017年ローゼンブラットコンクールに於いて伴奏ピアニストとして第1位受賞。英国アーティストビザ  Tier1 Exceptional Talent - promise VISAを取得し、7年の留学後帰国、現在は日本を拠点としてロンドン及びヨーロッパでの演奏活動に意欲的に取り組んでいる

Yuko Yagishita was born in Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan. She currently resides in London.


Yuko graduated from the Piano Department of Instrumental Music, Faculty of Music of Tokyo University of Arts (Tokyo Geijutu Daigaku) and received the Doseikai Award and Yomiuri Award for New Musicians and Artists. Graduated from Piano Department of Graduate School of Tokyo University of Arts with a master's degree. 


From April 2011 to March 2013 she worked as assistant for Solfège department at Faculty of Music of Tokyo University of Arts. 


She received several prizes in competitions in Japan and has performed in various concerts in Europe including Vienna, Austria, Paris, France, Milan, Italy, Cologne, German and London, UK.

She also performed piano concerto with orchestra such as Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra and Tokyo New City Orchestra.

Yuko was appointed as a pianist in Salvia concert hall from 2012 to 2014 in Japan.

She performed at the Jaques Samuel Competition Prizewinners' series in St James's Church, Piccadilly in 2015 and she awarded the Trinity College London Diploma LTCL Piano Recital with distinction.

In 2015, while at Trinity Laban Conservatoir,

she gave concerts at St.Alfege, ORNC chapel and several other venues. She also participated in the Beethoven festival and played Sonata No.15 Pastoral. She also took part in the Trinity orchestra project, playing the Symphonic dances from West side story by Bernstein with wind orchestra and Tehilime by Steve Reich.

In September 2013 Yuko began studying with Deniz Gelenbe and Gabriele Baldocci at Trinity Laban Conservatoir. In summer 2016, Yuko participated in Opera Socrates (Eric Satie), a joint project with Tel Aviv University and Waseda University, supervised by Professor Michal Grover-Friedlander.

Recently she won the 1st prize at Rosenblatt Recitals Competition for accompaniment, and she appeared on UK-Japan Choir concert as an accompanist.

Currently she got an Exceptional Talent-Promise UK Artist visa, and she gives concerts as not only soloist but also accompanist.

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